GC Med is an integrated solution that includes all the activities of insurance  and medical care companies ranging from underwriting and issuance stage through medical approvals ,settlement of claims and billing subscriptions, the actual cost, reimbursement, prescriptions of chronic medication ,printing membership cards, associated accounting and financial activities ,link all of that to the chart of accounts adjustments to the program and contains a large number of reports covering all business needs.

GC Med compatible with the nature of the medical insurance environment and contains all the detailed data pertaining to medical data network and members data and medical services, prices and customer metadata and succession.

GC Med components:

·        Medical network and its contracts, regulation.

·        Services Coding System.

·        Services periodic prices lists and discounts.

·        Chronic items and its medical information like dose, Indications, sideeffects, and How to use.

·        Customer contracts, table of benefits, pools, and category limit andsublimit.

·        Automated mechanism for the limits to take advantage of various medicalservices contracted.

·        Coding of medical diagnoses.

·        Financial discounts and deductions as a proportion or values.

·        Hierarchical mechanism to take advantage of the various serviceslimits. Endorsing financial limits for a particular service or group ofservices to be applied automatically to the claims and approvals and so on,which helps in applying the terms of the contract automatically.

·        Recording and processing of claims based on contracts registered.

·        Recording and processing of medical approvals.

·        Automated chronic medications module.

·        Record and process the payment of service providers, service providerspay bills, notices discount, check bank account.

·        Reimbursement and compensation.

·        Automated module for premium and bill withnotifications and alerts.

·        Recording and processing of insured personal data, photos and theirdependents.

·        The possibility of issuing and printing membership cards.

·        A wide range of reports covering all regulatory, administrative andfinancial needs.

·        Multisite management and central processing mechanism.

GC Med Features:

·        FullIntegration between Modules.

All parts of GC Med are integrated and interdependent, including financial accounts with the rest ofthe program of medical claims and medical approvals and subscriptionsadjustments and discounts, and so on.

·        Ease ofuse and speed of response to the data and reports.

GC Med  similar in design to MicrosoftOffice in terms of shape, design and ease of use.

Sending e-mail messages and exportreports to Excel &Pdf.

Archive files and photos.

·        Quickand easy searching any information in all the screens

GC Med  provides a search featureprofessional and quick and easy manner similar to those used in Excel, whichhelps in completing tasks and access information quickly and easily on theuser.


·        Documents Management

GC Med  provides the ability to manage alldocuments and company's files, which helps a lot in reducing the cost andaccess to electronic archive. In addition it provides a lot of time and effortwhen searching in the electronic archive.

·        Multilingual Interface

GC Med  provides workin several languages including, but not limited to (Arabic - English - French)also allows the user to label translation himself.

·        Activity Log

GC Med  records any activity within theprogram done from any user, it records the value before the amendment, afterthe adjustment value, date and time of the amendment, and the place that hasbeen edited him.

·        Security

GC Med  contains a several levels ofprotection for each function, which include (View - Add - Edit - Cancel - Print- Confirm –Send Mail – Send SMS - Export – Import)

·        AutomaticUpdates

New updates notified and downloadedthrough the Internet.

·        24/7 Support

Technical support engineers can follow up and solveproblems through the Internet without waiting for the date to visit thetechnical support engineer.